Happy New Year everyone! Hard to believe it’s already 2019. Luckily, we are excited for all the BIG THINGS 2019 has in store for PRIME, and we hope you will be too. So, let’s dive right into it and get Vol. 2 of The Scoop underway…

As many of you probably already know, we recently announced our plans to launch a brand new line of racks in Q1 of this year. That is still the plan. In fact, we have an official launch date of March 11, 2019. We have to share a quick thing about the launch date, because it really highlights how the level of “nerdy steel guy” our VP is (Sorry Jarrad, had to do it). The launch date is 3/11 because the racks are constructed with 3” tubing of 11 gauge steel. Can’t make this stuff up folks… There’s your useless fun fact for the day! Anyway, about the new racks… they’ll be called PRIME Prodigy Racks and the line will be made up of four rack options, covering a variety of set-ups and features. We’ll be releasing more details about each of the racks as we draw closer to the launch date, but in short, the main idea was to create a line of racks that crammed as much versatility and functionality in to the smallest footprint possible – all while giving the customer the ability to customize them in almost any configuration imaginable. Pretty lofty goal, but we think we did it! You be the judge when they’re released.
2019 is also a big year for PRIME, from an accessory perspective. Not only will we be adding some new products to our accessory portfolio (more to come on that in a minute), many of our international friends have been asking about international distribution. Well, we are very excited to share with you that we have finalized an agreement with a group in Germany with the infrastructure to fulfill the international demand we’ve struggled to ourselves. They won’t be carrying ALL of our accessory products on day one, but a vast majority of them. Assuming everything goes well with the first shipment, hopefully you’ll see more and more products available later in 2019. We’ll be posting a TON of information on social media very soon about the announcement and details, so if you’re not following us on Facebook or Instagram, get there and give us a follow ASAP!
FIBO is just around the corner! For those of you attending, you won’t be able to miss our booth this year! We’ll be in the same place as we have been in past years (Halle 6), but this year we stepped our booth game up big time (see image)! Be sure to come by and say hello! We’ve been getting a lot of questions about if and what products we’ll be taking to sell out of the booth. The answer is simple, we are taking a TON of inventory this year of pretty much everything. That said, we sold out so quickly last year, we have no idea how long it will take to sell out this year. So, if you are going to FIBO and you plan on saving money on shipping and buying your PRIME products at the show, GET THERE EARLY! It’s first come, first served!

We know that’s a lot to digest, so we’ll keep the updates coming (The Scoop Vol. 3)!
This has been The Scoop – till next time – Find Your PRIME